Showing of “It’s a Girl”

Yesterday March 7 in Shyambazar, Kolkata, fifteen members and supporters of Viswakamal gathered to raise public awareness about the reality of abortion. Members took turns speaking until dark began to fall, through their loudspeakers reaching thousands in the rush-hour crowd, and at the same time distributing leaflets to all who passed their table.

Swagata and Ujjwal speak up for the helpless

Once dark began to fall, we set up a screen and began to show the YouTube documentary “It’s A Girl”. The film bares the reality of the sex-selection abortion and infanticide, together called “gendercide”, that target girls in India and China. We showed the first half of the film, related to India. Though we had hoped that some of the busy passers-by would stop and watch the grim and riveting film, few did. But the Viswakamal members and supporters, at least, left with a good education about this depraved practice, and energized to put a stop to it.

Hitangshu and Swagata add running commentary as "It's a Girl" is shown

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