Today, Good Friday for Christians, members of Viswakamal responded to an invitation from Mother Mission School, run by Bengali Christian Network, situated at Thakurpukur near Bagpota. The VK representatives spoke and showed the film It’s a Girl! The film documents the horror of abortion and infanticide against unborn and newborn girls in India and China. Proponents of legal abortion often claim that legal abortion safeguards women’s rights, but in India abortion claims the lives of almost 80 lakhs of small, defenseless, unborn women every year. How is this women’s rights?
The program was hosted by Mr. Mondal, who is the director of the school. Viswakamal members Swagata Banerjee, and her husband, each addressed the gathering of thirty. Sandip Balmiki also spoke on behalf of Viswakamal. In an interlude, Shreya Naskar sang two beautiful and uplifting songs. In addition to It’s a Girl!, much of which is in English, and has English subtitles, a short Hindi fictional film was shown. It brought out the fallacy of thinking that killing an unborn child is any different from killing a born child.

The audience were moved by the presentation and became ready to join in the fight against abortion.